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Hi, I'm Mica, the founder of Wellbeing Rituals...

As a lover of life and a multifaceted being, I wear many hats. I'm deeply passionate about holistic
and realistic wellbeing, and facilitate various practices such as yoga, meditation and breathwork, embodied movement and dance, moon circles, cacao ceremonies, intentions setting rituals and creative wellbeing workshops. I also incorporate my lifelong love of music into many of these too. Additionally, I'm a plant-based chef and recipe developer, which is where my own wellbeing journey began, and I love sharing all kinds of deliciously nourishing eats.

My aim is to contribute to a world where wellness and spirituality is more accessible, real, and enjoyable for everyone.


I've lived (and continue to live) a very colourful life and along my way I've discovered various practices that have enriched my journey and expanded my understanding of the importance of self-care and personal growth.
From experiencing the power of embodying the present moment, finding peace and balance within the flow of life, slowing down to savour the simple joys and finding gratitude in everyday experiences, bringing more clarity and calmness to each day and learning navigate the complexities of the world with a greater sense of groundedness and inner peace, these practices have helped me develop a deeper connection between mind, body, and spirit, and continue to do so. Learning from an array of teachers and wisdom keepers has been a constant source of inspiration and growth for me, expanding my understanding of a wide variety of practices, rituals and traditions, encouraging me to explore new perspectives and teaching me new tools for holistic wellbeing.  Alongside these external sources of wisdom, I've also found immense value in listening to the whispers of my own intuition and embracing the lessons that my personal experiences in life have offered. Over the years, I've learned so much that has helped me to live a healthier, happier life and become a more empowered version of myself. By sharing the practices that have truly changed my life for the better, I now hold space and support others on their path too. There's no gatekeeping here. We are all deserving of wellbeing and self-care for the mind, body and soul.


I founded Wellbeing Rituals during the first lockdown of 2020. We were all living in a world that was undergoing an intense transformation like we'd never seen before, and had to adapt to a new way of living. During this time, many of us became more aware of the neglected needs in our lives, the changes we needed to make, and the things that truly bring us comfort, joy, and contentment. It really was a wake-up call. What began as a yoga accountability group called 'Yoga Buds' in the early days of the pandemic (initially aimed at keeping us sane and connected), quickly evolved into an online community and virtual wellbeing retreats. Wellbeing Rituals became an antidote to our feelings of isolation, slumped motivation, unstable mood and energy, the stresses of modern life, and our daily struggles, and a place to connect with like-minded individuals. Bringing together physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing practices such as yoga, meditation, breathwork, embodied dance and more, in a way that feels authentic, down-to-earth and digestible, WBR offers an inclusive and accessible safe space for everyone to focus on their wellbeing and experience more connection, self-love, acceptance, inner-freedom and a sense of purpose. Incorporating a sense of lightheartedness and playfulness where fitting is also a key-factor, as I believe that healing can be found through the simple act of embracing joy. By seeking out and engaging in activities that bring us happiness and laughter, we can cultivate a sense of joyfulness that nourishes our soul and promotes healing on a deeper level, uplifting our spirits, dissolving stress, and creating a more harmonious balance within ourselves. Whether facilitating myself or collaborating with a guest facilitator, Wellbeing Rituals aims to cultivate more love, inspiration, unity, and connection, taking care of ourselves both individually and collectively through holistic mind, body and soul care. In an often problematic wellness industry, we celebrate diversity and ensure that individuals of all races, genders, body types, ages, and abilities are welcomed, respected, and encouraged to be their most authentic selves in this space, and that the roots of the practices shared are done so with honour and respect for the cultures they've derived from. With inclusivity in mind, there's always a wide variety of options and flexibility to fit different lifestyles, providing affordable rates with low-income discount options for anyone experiencing financial difficulties, no questions asked. Holistic wellbeing means caring for our whole selves, not just in terms of diet, exercise, mental, spiritual, and emotional health, but also in terms of our social and environmental wellbeing.  Recognising that positive changes can be made both within ourselves and in the world around us, we even have a 'Be The Change' retreat special, that focuses on conscious social and environmental awareness and activism and how it can be integrated into our wellbeing practices.

Fast forwarding to today, I continue to share WBR workshops, events and retreats, both online and in-person. I've had the opportunity to expand and share my practices and food at many events, retreats, festivals, and aligned collaborations all across the U.K. and internationally. I've facilitated alongside some incredibly inspiring folks in this field, held workplace wellbeing workshops for some awesome teams at all kinds of businesses and shared some really deep and personal 1:1 sessions too.

I am completely in love with this work as much as ever, and my mission remains the same - to share the transformative power of these incredibly beneficial wellbeing rituals and practices, and hold space for those in need of a little support, guidance or encouragement on this lifelong journey of personal evolution and vitality.


May we all create a foundation of wellness that supports us in all aspects of our being and live our lives feeling good, doing good, enjoying a healthier and happier experience all round. I hope you enjoy your Wellbeing Rituals experience, and I look forward to connecting with you soon!


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